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Happy Holidays

Well Christmas is just around the corner, the weather here has been pretty darn cold. Two weeks ago we had a really hard rain, again our property had a flood due to the water canal behind the house. We have been here for 14 years, just the past few years this has happened twice. I think someone at the water district is dropping the ball and not keeping a watch on the water levels. UGH!!! glad we were home and able to control the flood a bit, the fire fighters were a big help again.

Other then the flood, been super crazy busy with my artwork orders, I ship the last Christmas order today, take a few days off then back on the Collie Club of America trophies for our National show this year as well as working on my items for the Sheltie national held in MO and a few club orders. I have 3 AKC collie judging assignments coming up in the spring, super excited!! And last of all a new litter of pups on the ground. They are tri color and sables born on 11/28/16

So my friends, if I have not called you back, so sorry. By the time I have time to call it's past midnight.

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Castlebar Collies Since 1994

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